Surgical Readiness Instructions

The first stop for your surgical experience will be at the door on the northeast side of our building, directly behind Buckey’s Gas Station. A member of our staff will greet you while you remain in your vehicle to obtain your temperature and review a Covid-19 screening questionnaire PRIOR to entering the building. This is screening is for patients AND their escort.
Once your screening has been cleared, you will be instructed to proceed to park and check in for surgery inside suite 150. If you do not need any assistance from your escort, they will be asked to remain in their vehicle while you proceed with your surgical experience as a Covid-19 safety precaution.
- Do not smoke or drink alcohol for 12 hours before your procedure.
- Do not eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to your procedure, including gum and mints. If this particular instruction is not followed there is a risk of your surgery being cancelled.
- Take your routine morning medications as instructed with a sip of water.
- Bring your payment with you.
- Bring your insurance card and photo ID with you on the day of surgery.
- Do not bring valuables with you.
- Do not wear makeup, nail polish, or jewelry on the day of surgery.
- Wear loose fitting clothing.
- Remove all body piercings.
- Do not bring young children with you.
- Do not wear contact lenses.
- Wear or bring your glasses with you.
- You may wear your dentures and/or hearing aids.